Martina Hyde
Superbious team profiles

Martina Hyde


I need a husband!
Forget the phony, democrat-conspired war on women! The real war on women is making us think we can be productive, valid members of society all on our ...

Americans still way behind Canada when it comes to weed
While Trump, together with his sidekick, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, are considering reverting back to the old school method of drug enforcement b...

Digging Their Own Graves
The Progressive Conservative party of Canada has, as of late, been buried up to their necks in scandals and cynical reactions from onlookers witnessin...

The case For and Against refugees
Even if you are not following the news daily, you're aware of the current situation concerning refugees (and migrants). A number of countries have see...

Don’t count your gambling chickens before they’re hatched
If the boom in Internet-related stocks around the turn of the year 2000 taught us anything – it’s that overly optimistic revenues from web-related phe...

Martina's contributions

The Recipe of Racism
For every word and every expression today considered unacceptable or even simply frowned upon, once upon a time such were quite innocent.

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...yeeeeees, we love Fox News. But we love Jon Stewart and Bill Maher a lot better. Fox News we love because of the quality, amusing, factual information they provide. Bill and Jon we love because they help us see it.

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