Steven Sutton
Superbious team profiles

Steven Sutton

Steven Sutton has been described as British, and so decided to be born there. Stop his loneliness by contacting him on Twitter and checking out his blog, www.midnightlogin.com.


Why are people booing?
That was the number one most googled phrase of the night during CBS’s broadcast of the ninth Republican Debate.

Of generalization and bullshit
Or should I say, of generalization bullshit. I just read an article on Observer (publisher is Donald Trump's son-in-law), talking about the "blatant r...

What happens in Vegas
Las Vegas exists solely as a stereotype of itself so that you and I can afford to lose a thousand bucks on slot machines, vomit in public elevators an...

Public Opinion
"Public calls! We've got the public on our side! Out of my way, guy with public opinion coming through!"

Dumb Ingredients for a Dumber Consumer
Chemicals! Additives! Preservatives! Names I can't pronounce! Soy! Peanuts! Nutritionists sound so smart & confident! Exclamation Points! Get on with ...

Steven's contributions

Your complaint matters: but it bloody shouldn't
You may be one of 2200 people who had the time to call into a hotline recently and complain about the sketch.
comic relief
The Hunchback King
Known throughout history as the Hunchback King, recent events have brought this name-calling into controversy.
hunchback king
Public Opinion
"Public calls! We've got the public on our side! Out of my way, guy with public opinion coming through!"
public opinion
Introducing Chad Tycoon, future King of the UK
Chad Tycoon is a wealthy man who employs the Sultan of Brunei to be his footstool. You get the picture.
king of uk
The Outside Look at the Inside Hollow
I have come to discover a little-known fact about America, and that it has recently gone through what's called a general election.
american politics today
A Wager with Her Majesty
We are witnesses to mass devolution to a disillusioned and disunited people, or peoples.
queen criticism

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...yeeeeees, we love Fox News. But we love Jon Stewart and Bill Maher a lot better. Fox News we love because of the quality, amusing, factual information they provide. Bill and Jon we love because they help us see it.

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