Tyrone Townsend
Superbious team profiles

Tyrone Townsend


Your complaint matters: but it bloody shouldn't
You may be one of 2200 people who had the time to call into a hotline recently and complain about the sketch.

Recycling Is Bad For The Environment
It’s hard to watch the media these days and not see Donald Trump’s massive orange head plastered all over it.

Tragedy: Good for Politicians, Bad for Those Affected
Hurricane Sandy seems to have done her numbers.

September 11 - We Will Forget
A report was released Tuesday last week on the myriad methods used by the CIA and other intelligence agencies to extract certain information from al Q...

Getting Hitched? Don't Risk Your Financial Security
The days when prenuptial agreements were only for the rich and famous are long gone. Today, more couples than ever opt for a prenup.

Tyrone's contributions

What is the Meaning of the Media?
Anyone who relies on mainstream media for news has a one-sided view; it masquerades as the truth, but it is a mixture of lies and propaganda. The aim of the media today is to misinform, manipulate and make you afraid.
As the World Turns
Down the infamous rabbit hole where madness and folly morph into psychosis, you realize it’s a strange, relentless world.
When Life Hands You Lemons
Ever woke up to one of those days feeling like God took a dump on you?
Trump and America: A Made Match?
There has been a furious battle cry from protestors, the media, and the internet due to the inauguration of President Trump. Executive orders have been passed to construct the wall on the Mexican border and to repeal the Affordable Care Act (the replacement is under construction).
It's a Bastard of a Mindset
So, I woke up feeling like a pile of cow manure. You know, the lowest of the low festering on the green grass of this blue sphere. I toss and turn on my mattress in my blanket cocoon trying not to make sense of the fact I’m still alive. That one existential question fondles the deepest parts of my subconscious: Dear Lord, why am I here?
Democratic Debauchery Stewing in Las Vegas
Forgive me for my previous transgressions. I had the opportunity to cover the second half of the debauchery guised as the Republican Debate, but I was too busy under the influence in the godforsaken, sinful city of Las Vegas. If a piece of my memory serves me right, I won money, spent it on more rounds of Wild Turkey, taxis, and more copious amounts of Wild Turkey. I digress. The story of my degenerative, impulsive behavior will be another time.
Murder in the first Degree; Cynicism Killed America
Today, I realized I'm a homicidal sociopath. I mean, my hands are bloody and I'm still staring at the body as I construct this writing. Truth be told, it was an impulse: pure unadulterated spontaneity. I considered it a mercy kill because I murdered America. I know it's a bold statement, unlike the others who committed the murder, I admit it.
News Abuse
The news is a never-ending trainwreck. We can’t help but keep our eyes on it.
Day Late, Dollar Short...Loathing the GOP Debate
A just a bit late took at the GOP Debate.

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