Michael Stuhlreyer
Superbious team profiles

Michael Stuhlreyer


Keystones and Drones
What is all of this chatter about the Keystone pipeline?

I need a husband!
Forget the phony, democrat-conspired war on women! The real war on women is making us think we can be productive, valid members of society all on our ...

Making God Bleed
At the close of the film '300,' there's an entirely inaccurate depiction of the historical battle of Thermopylae which pitted the hordes of the Persia...

What Baltimore, Ferguson, And The Middle East Have In Common
For years the United States has tried to dictate the fate of nations around the world; from Korea to Vietnam, Cuba to Grenada, and Afghanistan to Iraq...

God vs. Mental Illness
Twenty-seven people have paid the price for our country's mistakes.

Michael's contributions

Impulse TV
A certain frenzied logic takes over five days before the Super Bowl: I presently have a 37" television screen. A 37" screen just will not do. Therefore, I need a bigger TV.
Have You Served Your Technology Today?
I am one of technology's lackeys, as are you. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not we all squander great swaths of life jumping at the commands of inanimate objects.
Mamie the Plow-Horse
The following is the actual script – including stage direction in parentheses and italics – of a speech written for Ernest P. Blufous VI, President and CEO of Blufous International, manufacturers of agricultural equipment and direct marketers of aluminum siding, vacation rentals and burial insurance.
They Don't Make Hardships Like They Used To
Calling upon dwindling reserves of benevolence, I try to convince myself that Chris Harrison has the good of mankind at heart.
Stop and Smell the Old Technology
Even if it manages to avoid the humiliation of ending up next to the Sony Betamax in a rubbish pile, the best any technology can hope for – no matter how revolutionary and life-altering - is to one day be taken for granted. Don’t believe me? Insert yourself into a conversation at your next dinner party and start raving about the wheel.
iOS 8 Will See You Now
Otherwise intelligent people sacrifice a day of finite lifetime - and vacation time - in pursuit of the bleeding edge.

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