Tim L
Superbious team profiles

Tim L


Paper over common sense?
Doing a better job than the losers in Donald Trump Halloween costumes doesn't seem to pay off.

Let's Face It, We're War Criminals
Says Cheney, "I would do it again in a minute." I'm sure he means, "I will do it again in a minute," referring to torture. How else is he supposed to ...

Trump claims he is reducing national dept $400 million a day
Another day, another tweet. Trump has just asked in Twitter why the media has not reported his big achievement of lowering the national debt by $12 bi...

All the benefits of a shopping centre, straight to your laptop
The digitization of retail to the internet is showing no signs of slowing. With every major retailer, and many smaller ones all leading the way with o...

The Love Agenda
I have yet to hear or read a satisfactory reason as to why a same-sex couple does not have all the rights enjoyed by a straight couple.

Tim's contributions

What happens in Vegas
Las Vegas exists solely as a stereotype of itself so that you and I can afford to lose a thousand bucks on slot machines, vomit in public elevators and run naked down the streets all in a single morning.
las vegas

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