Erin Steiner
Superbious team profiles

Erin Steiner

Erin Steiner is a freelance writer, blogger and vlogger living in Portland Oregon. Her cat really wishes she would get a real job.


Striving for imperfection
It seems we have reached that rung in the ladder of our social and biological evolution where everyone either has, or wants something to be wrong with...

iOS 8 Will See You Now
Otherwise intelligent people sacrifice a day of finite lifetime - and vacation time - in pursuit of the bleeding edge.

Stop and Smell the Old Technology
Even if it manages to avoid the humiliation of ending up next to the Sony Betamax in a rubbish pile, the best any technology can hope for – no matter ...

What To Consider When Choosing A Biopharmaceutical Recruiting Firm
Biopharmarcy relates to a field or discipline that deals with interactions between living organisms and medications. It focuses on drug release, absor...

Erin's contributions

I’m Not a Page in a Binder; I’m a Pawn in a Game of Badly Played Chess
Let’s forget about the fact that he didn’t ask for those binders, they had to be foisted upon him by MASSGAP.
If It’s Delayed It Isn't News
Why can’t our news be as real as what we see in the serialized fiction we gobble up on network television each night?
delayed news

SUPERBIOUS is an e-zine, online creature or politically incorrect blog, created to make Us happy. We have lots to say and we simply needed someone to say it to. Hopefully you'll find it more than readable. Or not.

So you want to write?

Have something politically incorrect to say, yet something that has a point in it? Well, maybe, just maybe we could hear from you.

write for us
Our friends

...yeeeeees, we love Fox News. But we love Jon Stewart and Bill Maher a lot better. Fox News we love because of the quality, amusing, factual information they provide. Bill and Jon we love because they help us see it.

Politics Blogs

My Zimbio
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