Sean Superbious team profiles


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Chelsey "Mickey" Mick

Chelsey "Mickey" Mick

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"Chelsey "Mickey" Mick is a writer, actress, amateur comedian, Big Foot's ex-girlfriend, hopscotch enthusiast, light-weight drinker, over-educated theologian and a horrible imitation of a human being. Although hilarious and ridiculously good-looking, Mickey is emotionally inept and socially awkward. You can find all her other rants at"
Ryan A. McAllister

Ryan A. McAllister

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I'm currently a student at the University of Central Florida studying digital media. In my spare time I play guitar and work on graphic design.
James Allen

James Allen

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I'm a 40 year-old blackjack dealer as well as the Nevada Chapter Leader of the National Atheist Party. It's a political party that started on Facebook in 2012, meant not for propagating an "atheist" agenda, but to attempt to maintain and enforce the separation of church from government affairs. You can check it out here -
Rob Andrews

Rob Andrews

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Rob Andrews is an Australian teacher of History and English. He has travelled extensively and is passionate about US History and politics. An active atheist, Rob has published numerous articles on the role of religious movement in schools and the military. Rob also writes for pleasure and humour, the lighter side of his work can be found at tumblr, 'stories from Uranus'. You can contact Rob at
Milo Atkinson

Milo Atkinson

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Generally apathetic father of two and husband of 21 years. Looking for a laugh and overcoming a herniated disk and asthma with a cocktail of drugs and alcohol, which give me my daily dose of happiness.
Bill Bakery

Bill Bakery

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Bill Bakery was a Marine and served two tours in Iraq. He likes to write. His favorite authors are Theodore Geisel and Eric Blair.
Arthur Brewer

Arthur Brewer

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Three phrases to live by: "There is no such thing as a free lunch" - Milton Friedman "The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other peoples money" - Margaret Thatcher "Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely" - Lord Acton Three books to live by: The Law by Frédéric Bastiat Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell The Road To Serfdom by Friedrich von Hayek Understand these phrases and books, and you'll understand me.
Dyanne Brown

Dyanne Brown

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Dyanne is a former corporate HR consultant that now goes by the title, writer. She writes a blog sharing insights from her journey to find the best life. She also writes short stories, poetry and is currently working on a fiction novel. She is single, but optimistic, and living in Philadelphia. You can follow her at or on Twitter @dyannebrown
Veronica Bryant

Veronica Bryant

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There's not too many interesting things to say about myself, but I'll give it a try. My name is Veronica (obviously.) I live in a very small town deep in the Bible Belt of Middle Tennessee. When I'm not working on my next post, I'm working in the Operating Room at our local hospital. I'm not the typical Tennesseean, by far. I don't much care for country music, my real weaknesses are rock and industrial music. Music and writing have always been two of my biggest passions in life, and probably always will be. When a very opinionated and bull-headed individual such as myself takes to writing for a site like this, it can only get better.
Justin Buell

Justin Buell

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The Helpless Canadian

The Helpless Canadian

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The Helpless Canadian was born into a time where society runs on ideology and systematic flaws are fixed with band-aids. In his attempt to question the status quo, The Helpless Canadian discovers a world of resistance.
Laura Conron

Laura Conron

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A writer that helps keep the masses on there toes. And possibly wreak some havoc.
Keyboard Cowboy

Keyboard Cowboy

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Hello, The name "Keyboard Cowboy" was given to me by a fellow poster who thought I was trying to be a hero behind my keyboard. I've been married for 15yrs. I have 2 girls, 1 boy, and 1 boy on the way. Whether it's the Kentucky Derby, the Daytona 500, or the Race for the Presidency; I love RACING. I will battle in the arena of IDEAS. I am an ECONOMIC CONSERVATIVE and LIBERTARIAN on social issues. I believe that a government doesn't create jobs but creates an environment for jobs to thrive. I believe a government cannot change people's hearts with laws, but it can show some moral leadership. For these views, I have been BANNED from the and the now defunct I wear this like a BADGE OF HONOR. Throughout the week, I comment at GRETAWIRE.COM. Every Thursday, I will be bringing it strong with the FACTS, a little SARCASM, some SATIRE, and a whole lot of over-the-top HYPERBOLE.
Lue Deck

Lue Deck

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Chris Dumais

Chris Dumais

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Siim Einfeldt

Siim Einfeldt

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If I say I'm an internet entrepreneur, it doesn't really say much. I like to think of myself as a Professional Wannabe!
Sharon Elisabeth

Sharon Elisabeth

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A young woman with very much to say, but only two ears to herself speak, so she writes. - Sharon Elisabeth
Eli Fitsmined

Eli Fitsmined

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Roberto Fuzzy

Roberto Fuzzy

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Man in his best years (you know, for men the best years last and last and last). Writer, beer drinker, interested in anything cool and nothing whatsoever.
Tim Fyshe

Tim Fyshe

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Archer Gordon

Archer Gordon

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Jay Gory

Jay Gory

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Erik Gustafson

Erik Gustafson

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Luke Hilts

Luke Hilts

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Martina Hyde

Martina Hyde

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Fourat Janabi

Fourat Janabi

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Fourat is a writer, entrepreneur, photographer, explorer, and idiot. And so, likes to think he's important. Fourat has worked in Baghdad while a war was raging, in Bahrain while riots were ensuing, and in Saudi Arabia where women don't exist. He currently lives in Italy where a simple task takes days, but grew up in Australia, where men wearing pink shirts is the new norm. Through many years of craziness, staring death in the face on four occasions, meeting hundreds of beautiful people, and exploring a myriad of new cultures and countries, he now feels arrogant and important enough to commit his overvalued thoughts to paper and tell people exactly what to think in his first book: Random Rationality: A Rational Guide to an Irrational World.
Petra Klinkenberg

Petra Klinkenberg

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Joshua Kraemer

Joshua Kraemer

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Tim L

Tim L

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Alexander L. Fred

Alexander L. Fred

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Alexander L. Fred is a college student currently working on a Bachelor’s degree in philosophy with hopes of eventually earning a PhD. He has written several articles for the Tenth Amendment Center and is a firm supporter of state rights movements and the reduction of the size of the federal government. As a result, much of his work, published and unpublished, relates to these efforts and the failings of the current American state. He is currently working on his first novel as well as several short stories which he hopes to publish in the near future. When not forced to write using dreaded political correctness, he enjoys writing satirical and sarcastic politically incorrect articles for Superbious Online.
A.F. Lamb

A.F. Lamb

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A.F. Lamb has been considered by many to be a recluse. He spends the vast majority of his time alone reading books and studying the ideas of men greater than himself. But if one looks closely, they can find this very private individual stalking around the edges of society staring inward and carefully noting what he sees. And what he sees, he doesn’t like. He finds himself appalled by the behavior of society in general and the selfish individualism that he sees as an slowly turning men into mindless, walking zombies with strange electronic devices glued to their hands and ears. In his books, he has found many great theories and ideas, but no vaccines, and so he combines his own observations with these theories and ideas to create a vaccine that he hopes will kill this dangerous plague of apathy and capitalism. His only two worries are that 1) society will not take this vaccine and 2) that any dollar bill he touches is likely to be infected with the germs from a stripper’s ass crack or traces of cocaine. And for this second reason, he writes here unpaid.
Justin Landers

Justin Landers

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I love political issues and debates and I love giving it to big brothers, who can't seem to do the job they have been employed to do in the first place.
Chandler Lawson

Chandler Lawson

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I'm a Liberal Atheist who lives in a Conservative Christian household. All I hear about at family reunions is how Obama is a Socialist and the possibility that he is the Antichrist, and even if he was either of the two I could not give less of a shit. I live in a small town in South Texas where everybody has a hard-on for Jesus.
Audrey Lentz

Audrey Lentz

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Via Linden

Via Linden

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Seymour Lipschitz Whorvitch

Seymour Lipschitz Whorvitch

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Olivia Lox

Olivia Lox

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Creative college student with interests in screenwriting, comedy, and psychology, Supporter of equal rights for all. Global health advocate and activist. Supporter of an organic lifestyle. Just another rat suffering under the machinations of the "democracy." Have fun reading through the inner dialogue of my brain.
Dayle Lynne

Dayle Lynne

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Dayle is a liberal feminist hippy. She works as a freelance writer and editor and is the mother of a very intelligent, albeit often crazy little girl. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree! In Dayle’s very limited free time, she shares her thoughts and opinions regarding just about anything on her personal blog, I shall be a toad.
Francesca Mac

Francesca Mac

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I'm a 19 year old uni student, literature loving, feminist, lesbian, left-wing, drinker who has delusional ambitions of becoming a writer.
Webster Mason

Webster Mason

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C.C. Morgan

C.C. Morgan

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34-year old white female, married, lots of kids (too many to count), previously served in the military and now have a full-time career with the government. I adore the principles that this great country was once built on and so many have died for. I stay awake at night worried that I am not strong enough to make a big enough difference in the direction we are headed as a country. My voice sounds the best through the text typed on my MacBook. I like to share my thoughts, because there is no way I am the ONLY woman that thinks the way that I do.
Daniel Morrison

Daniel Morrison

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Kayla Musselman

Kayla Musselman

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Johnny  Pantstent

Johnny Pantstent

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Johnny Pantstent is the nom de guerre of a millennial miscreant plucked from the mountainous bosom of West Virginia and dropped into the hustle and bustle of Shanghai. When not reading history or absorbing pop culture, he is a white collar nobody who occasionally writes for his own amusement. Tell him how great he is or how offended you are by the word "mongoloid" here: johnny.pantstent[at]
John Phillips

John Phillips

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John is a Criminal Justice major from Idaho. He is the vice president of the CSI Democrats and has spent many hours volunteering for political campaigns. He enjoys long walks on the beach and dancing in the rain (totally kidding). He does however enjoy political, religious, philosophic, and relationship discussions. He prefers to enter into these conversations in the way of Socrates, by directly engaging people. However, to reach a broader audience he has gladly accepted the opportunity to write for the wonderful
Anthony Poulton-Smith

Anthony Poulton-Smith

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Carol  Powell

Carol Powell

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I grew up in the outskirts of Boston Massachusetts. Raised by a Irish Catholic Left Wing Mom, and a Protestant raised Right Wing dad. I have my own opinions on just about everything, but I never open my mouth unless I know I'm right. I love telling people how it is, even if it offends them, so long as it's the truth. I'm pretty sure that's a Boston thing.
Meggie Pretorius

Meggie Pretorius

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I've been a nurse, financial expert, waitress, bartender, and writer, and I'm a mother who frequently doesn't make it home in time to cook dinner. I love satire and I can make a joke out of any situation. "Too soon" are words that are often used to describe my brand of humor. Some people call me a feminist, and others call me a girly-girl. I have trouble sitting in one spot for long periods of time, and my boss hired me after reading about me in his Lisa Frank TrapperKeeper binder full of women. I am also a huge supporter of LGBT rights, and I find animals to be more worthy of my time and energy than most people.
Isidora Puhalo

Isidora Puhalo

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As a writer for three years now, I must say, I have a very imaginative points of view. On the other hand, as a citizen of this world and these seemingly different regimes, I have a very objective view-that's all I have left. When you mix up the two, we get a real reality.
Allan Q

Allan Q

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As the black sheep in almost all cases, it's not all sunshine and sing alongs. However, there's plenty of late nights, Tirk delights, Doctor sword fights, men in manly tights... and as a reclusive, relatively introverted night owl with far too much free time, references. Lots and lots of references. So buckle up, buttercup, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.
Elise Ramsey

Elise Ramsey

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Mohamad Saleh

Mohamad Saleh

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Brian Schmied

Brian Schmied

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Stephanie Spikoski

Stephanie Spikoski

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Erin Steiner

Erin Steiner

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Erin Steiner is a freelance writer, blogger and vlogger living in Portland Oregon. Her cat really wishes she would get a real job.
Brandon Stephens

Brandon Stephens

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I'm a NJ beard enthusiast who loves tattoos, hip hop, and healthy living! When I'm not getting my swell on at the gym, I can be found on the couch with my wife, son, and baby daughter playing Super Mario Brothers on the Wii! Through my struggles with addiction, I have come to know God's grace and mercy personally and am thankful for this new way of life.
Michael Stuhlreyer

Michael Stuhlreyer

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Steven Sutton

Steven Sutton

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Steven Sutton has been described as British, and so decided to be born there. Stop his loneliness by contacting him on Twitter and checking out his blog,
Colin Sydney

Colin Sydney

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I have a degree in Economics and Politics. One thing you can expect from me is the fact that i do not sugar coat my articles. It will not be tailored made for any particular community or political parties or religion etc. I write what i believe is right. I have no particular bias because i truly am an independent observer.
Evil C the Junkie Blackmailer

Evil C the Junkie Blackmailer

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Tyrone Townsend

Tyrone Townsend

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Justin Whisenhunt

Justin Whisenhunt

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Garrett Will

Garrett Will

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Whether it is in the form of a song, a picture, a photo, a piece of literature, or a sculpture; art is the means by which our inner selves go out into the world. And that's why I appreciate it so much. I fancy myself to be more of a literary artist than otherwise. I have a knack for it, be it in my poetry, or in my short stories. I would be honored to write an HBO series as well, which I've been slowly developing. I've had a grand idea for a series of novels for quite a long time now, but it has never developed enough to start it with the confidence that a writer would need. I also produce graphical art here and there. I'm an amateur in this regard, and I am limited to using GIMP due to the fact that Photoshop is punishingly expensive. I make art only for myself. However, I want to create photo-art; not quite photographs (portraits or landscapes) nor pictures made by paint (acrylic or oil), but more along the lines of sculptures and other similar pieces recorded in picture form. In closing, a true artist merely wants attention; you don't have to like what I create; you can even dislike it for all I care. I just want you to know that I have something to share.

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