Garrett Will
Superbious team profiles

Garrett Will

Whether it is in the form of a song, a picture, a photo, a piece of literature, or a sculpture; art is the means by which our inner selves go out into the world. And that's why I appreciate it so much. I fancy myself to be more of a literary artist than otherwise. I have a knack for it, be it in my poetry, or in my short stories. I would be honored to write an HBO series as well, which I've been slowly developing. I've had a grand idea for a series of novels for quite a long time now, but it has never developed enough to start it with the confidence that a writer would need. I also produce graphical art here and there. I'm an amateur in this regard, and I am limited to using GIMP due to the fact that Photoshop is punishingly expensive. I make art only for myself. However, I want to create photo-art; not quite photographs (portraits or landscapes) nor pictures made by paint (acrylic or oil), but more along the lines of sculptures and other similar pieces recorded in picture form. In closing, a true artist merely wants attention; you don't have to like what I create; you can even dislike it for all I care. I just want you to know that I have something to share.

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Garrett's contributions

The Anti-Bullying Movement: Fools and...Bullies?
There's an air of nobility that ebbs from the movement which seeks to decrease the incidences of bullying throughout the world (at least in places that are participating), but at the same time to its detriment, there's a rather amusing degree of hypocrisy to it as well. The nobility factor in opposing the objectively cruel act of bullying your fellow man doesn't extend far, since it eventually reaches the point of absurdity. After all, it is huma...
Glen James - A Shining Example of Human Kindness & Honesty
Glen James; what a trooper. Homeless and living in shelters for the homeless, he'd otherwise have every reason to take whatever he could to get out of his situation, if he were so desperate for such. To come across a significant amount of money in a mall, or anywhere for that matter, would probably send most others into paroxysms of ecstasy or glee, prompting them to take what they could. Not he, as he's above such tricks. Instead, like a good...
Canadian Gov't Gives Special Treatment to Private Corporation, Canadians Ecstatic!
Not that this hasn't happened before in Canadian economic & political history, but I digress. Verizon, a notably powerful ISP, TV, and Phone provider in the U.S. has set its sights on Canada and the lesser ISPs/Phone providers found here. Two rumored acquittals would be Wind Mobile and Mobilicity. That is if the move actually does go through and Verizon actually bids on either and or both of those mentioned companies. Canadians, of course, cou...
Who's Rilin' Palin? Who's Even Listenin'?
Gosh, golly, gee. Jiminy Cricket! Shucks! You betcha! Fuck off! Unfortunately, back in the circus that was the '08 United States Presidential Election, we, as a collective society, had to bear with more than the desirable earful of Sarah Palin's Midwestern colloquialisms dotting every crevice of her hollow speeches. The reason for the GOP's use of this nobody, who should have been swept under the rug as an embarrassment half a decade ago, was ...
Gays Are Not Declared Equal Under the Constitution?
Bill O'Reilly, of the cloth, of the order of defending Christmas from all who would ravage it, and of the school of thought which cherishes the Constitution of the United States of America, has a problem. He has a problem with queers, or the gay community for the more PC amongst us, having equal rights as declared by the Bill of Rights which complements the Constitution nicely. His problem is that a civil war is, or would brew over a national (in...
Bill O'Reilly - Moral Guardian: Humanizing Tony Soprano
Bill O'Reilly, the staunch defender of all things good and pure in the world today, is looking out for you, America! And what menace deserves his derisive, zealous eye of judgment? Well, none other than James Gandolfini, that's who! Many of us have probably heard tell in the news and entertainment/media sections of news print that on June the 20th, James Gandolfini died rather suddenly while on a trip in Rome. He played the lead in the critica...
Digging Their Own Graves
canada politics
The Progressive Conservative party of Canada has, as of late, been buried up to their necks in scandals and cynical reactions from onlookers witnessing the eventual train-wreck. And you know what? I love it. If this is what it takes to encourage voting citizens to stop voting Harper in as Prime Minister, then skies the limit! One such scandal that is seeing the Tories tugging at their collars is the ongoing ETS Scandal. Back in '06, the Public...
Rage Against the Capital Punishment Machine
You seem to be either for it, or against it; capital punishment, the great equalizer of individual cases against crimes of passion, has roused some of the most polarizing opinions on any subject. All of it is for good reason, too, because it's no laughing matter. Instead of blithering on & on about the boring history of the death penalty (one could write entire tomes for each nation's history with the act), I'll talk about my position on it. T...
Dumb Ingredients for a Dumber Consumer
what is in our food
Chemicals! Additives! Preservatives! Names I can't pronounce! Soy! Peanuts! Nutritionists sound so smart & confident! Exclamation Points! Get on with it! There's a growing trend amongst food product manufacturers & distributors, and it's setting a worse precedent than most consumers probably realize. That precedent is the dumbing down of the market place, and the consumers that drive it forward. And that precedent will come about because of w...
Bill "Sore Loser" O'Reilly 5: This Guy is a Liar
bill o reilly on gay rights
William O'Reilly, 63, is a man of the cloth (for the most part) and a man of few rational quips on cable television. Year by year, he vigorously campaigns on behalf of the church against secular ideals eroding the traditions he defends. And although Bill knows where his allegiance lies, he doesn't want you, the viewer, to know what it is. That's because doing so will diminish his credibility and show the world how far behind he actually is. Someh...
Does Monsanto Now Have a Vice Grip on the U.S.?
michael taylor fda
Good job, President Barrack Obama, you allowed the former attorney for Monsanto, Michael Taylor, to become commissioner of the FDA. Transparency be damned! I'm nearly livid at this development, and you should be too. Conflict of interests? Who cares!? Truth & integrity in information and decision-making? Fuck that noise! Preferential treatment for political protection thanks to your rich benefactors who've made gains through your machinations?...
Political Correctness, in Film Reviews!
house of cards
There's a site I follow once in a while, and it is called Crooks and Liars; it is an opinion blog kind of like ours (but much more one-sided, and focused). At C&L, there's a very pro-Democratic party message that permeates pretty much everything. There are also some very politically correct writers there. You'll see one example in a bit. One of the writers on Crooks & Liars goes by the alias karoli (before you get nervous, no, I am not going t...
Steven Crowder - Moral Guardian: Men Shouldn't Hit Women!
steven crowder
Roll out the red carpet - Steven Crowder is on the scene! Mr. Crowder, former voice actor for a character from the PBS program Arthur, now a lowly bottom-feeder for the Fox News propaganda - I mean, information machine, has set his sights on transgendered people! He's out for blood - well, he's out for publicity, rather. And what better way to get attention than to say that Fallon Fox, a transgendered MMA fighter, is essentially "a man knocking a...
Bill "Sore Loser" O'Reilly 4: This is Bull--BLANK!
alan colmes
On Tuesday, March 5th, 2013, O'Reilly got into a spat for the books with frequent guest Alan Colmes. The talking points memo preceding that spat put forth the notion that President Obama isn't declaring any specific federal spending cuts and that this is hurting the country. Never mind that Medicare & Medicaid, both federal programs, are going to incur cutbacks as part of a bid to lower the deficit and all that noise. Those are, contrary to what ...
That Copyright Thing
is copyright bad
Ever since the demise of Aaron Schwartz, faux moral guardians everywhere went on tirades around the internet about how copyright is so bad. It's such a bogeyman that impedes artistic talent and freedom of creative works. Those dang companies who hold copyright over creative works in tangible mediums keep dicking around with peoples' lives when they commit copyright infringement. Waah! I need a shoulder to cry on 'cause copyright, man! Do these...
Canada: For Sale; Dictatorships Save Big!
canada for sale
Welcome, shoppers! As you may well know by the title of this post, the country of Canada is up for grabs! While this doesn't include the will of the people being up for bid, our organization is open to negotiations should you desire this as an addendum to this deed, but please make notice prior to finalization. Here are the features from which you will benefit in this deal (starting rates): The Athabasca oil sands and all supplies generated...
Hard Times in the Maritimes
canada maritimes
As a resident of Canada's Maritimes, otherwise known as Atlantic Canada, I'm wracked with unemployment and burdened with pessimism at battling this vulnerability. I share this state of mind and of being with thousands of other citizens, and it's a struggle to cope with every day it persists. A saying is spreading around these parts, and it goes, "hard times in the Maritimes." These are hard times, indeed, and no one should have to be put through ...
Bill "Sore Loser" O'Reilly 3: NBC is Protecting Obama
bill o reilly obama
That's the contention which Bill would like you, his faithful viewer, to believe; but can you when NBC had clearly reported on drone strikes on Al Qaeda members as ordered by the president? Bill O'Reilly vehemently loathes "the left" and especially "left-wing loons", and is not above displaying this irrational behavior on his program. Whenever he can, he snipes at "the left" (you can assume "the left" to be anyone to his political left, safely...
Yeah, Well, Erhm...TAXES!
social commentary
And freeloaders! And food stamps! And labour unions and their thuggish thugs! And workers’ rights! Oh, and clocks, too, don’t get me started on clocks! I read, hear, and see a lot of neo-liberal, fiscally conservative, Republican, Libertarian, Ayn Rand worshippers and what-have-you bitching about the things I mentioned above. But I always think beyond what they say, and consider what they're really trying to prove. That's when a light goes off...
Tow Our Line or Get The F*ck Out!
Groupthink is not appealing to me; never has been, never will be. So far, with Superbious not appealing to any one groupthink, so good. There's none of that company line towing to be had here, which is a far cry from the usual trope found in opinion publications & the like. Sometime after Superbious launched, I wanted to help spread the word about us through networking. I did try a few, but given the responses I got, they collectively can be s...
Kevin O'Leary: One Trick Pony
kevin occupy
There are assholes, and then there are those who wish to be assholes. Kevin O'Leary is an obnoxious combination of both. Once a proprietary, founding member of what used to be called The Learning Company, an educational software studio, O'Leary is a long-running Dragon on CBC's The Dragon's Den, which is actually an international entrepreneur-coaching reality-TV series. Also a co-host on CBC's The Lang & O'Leary Exchange, O'Leary has plenty of fr...
Let's Ban This, That, and Those Too
what should be banned
We should ban house utensils; forks, spoons, knives (especially the knives) all need to go. Hell, sporks are a mass murder waiting to happen. While we're at it, let's ban saws. Manual or automatic, saws are nasty. Chainsaws are probably the worst of the lot because you could obviously play lumberjack on an entire school if you wanted to with one of those. Any kind of glass-ware should be banned. You could fashion a deadly weapon out of a g...
Rise of the Cynical Bastards
political idiocy
We're seeing a decline in rational political and social decisions, while we're also seeing an incline of political cynicism and sociopathic tendencies. What is one of the major vehicles driving this trend? The opportunist vulture-culture, a.k.a "The Media", is who. They are without a doubt mostly to blame for the trend of cynical bastards rising in prevalence. A clear sign of this upsetting increase of political idiocy and bad decision making ...
Golf Sucks. It Really, Really Sucks
golf is boring
This is coming from a former hobbyist golfer, so take heed of my words. There are few redeeming qualities with this "sport", and what few there are still show how borderline misanthropic, and disastrously boring the game really is. Let's begin with just how boring this game really is. There's a meandering process of whacking a ball (of progressively excessive technological advancement) along the length of a sprawling series of yards trying to ...
Happy "Gimme!" Days, One and All
christmas problem
Everyone but devout Muslims and the most Orthodox of Jews, and even the scrooges walking (and lurking, hiding, bumbling, and gurgling) amongst us loves the holidays. It's a time of joy, of getting together with those you love and care about, to appreciate the fruits of life. Turkey dinners are on the menu, party crackers are popping the eardrums of old folks everywhere, tinsel and lights contribute to the rising problem of light pollution, and pe...
News Corp. Secretly Romances Monopoly
rupert murdoch
Does anyone here know what the blazes News Corp. is supposed to be? Well, for those of you who haven't or are considering climbing out from under your respective rocks, News Corp. is Rupert Murdoch's media conglomerate. Rupert Murdoch is a well-known Conservative socio-political figure, who opportunely wields a s*** ton of money, and has over the past couple of decades invested heavily in running news affiliations around the globe. Mr. Murdoch ju...
Fox's "The War on Christmas" Meme 2012
attack on christmas
For years, Fox News rouses a false narrative of an "attack" on the Christmas holidays during each holiday season, once a year. To anyone who doesn't watch Fox News religiously, this is an obvious attention-grab, because the word "Christmas" helps garner ratings during this season. But one of the worst things with regards to this meme that the network pushes each year is that it goes against every positive thing about the holidays, thus rendering ...
Dr. Keith Ablow, Accidental Psychiatrist, Plays Armchair Psychiatrist Instead
keith ablow psych
...on Fox News, which makes this man hilarious and appear pretty empty-headed. Ablow is the go-to-guy at the sketch comedy troupe that is Fox News, to serve as the vehicle for a specific method of character assassination (most of his targets being undeserving); psychiatric evaluations, sans examinations. The saddest thing is, though, that this practice always backfires on Fox and the guy doing it, given that Ablow hasn't personally met, let alone...
The "Canada Economic Action Plan" is a Sham
canada economic action plan
God damn it, my fellow Canadians, god freaking damn it. You've essentially told Stephen Harper, the third time so far in 2011, "Hey! Can you continue running our country in the ground while you rake in cash for yourselves and your corporate buddies and spend more than any party has in the past couple of decades with false promises of ‘economic growth'?" I'm losing not only my faith, but my patience in those of you who continue some misguided trad...
Contracts in Music, and What's Wrong with Them
bill ward
I'm a Black Sabbath fan, and always will be. They were the band that introduced to me a sense of eagerness in listening to music. They're also amongst the pioneers of "amplified blues rock", or heavy metal in other words, and that's easily something to be respected. With news of the band's decades-long awaited reunion still in the works, I'm amongst the people to hear about new, negative developments in this endeavor. Bill Ward, one of two of the...
Bill "Sore Loser" O'Reilly 2: Traditional America is Gone
bill o reilly
Old, decidedly senile, blatantly racist, and as is typical with most of the Fox crew, takes liberty with his positions whenever deemed necessary. That's what he did in last night's Factor, mostly through his Talking Points Memo segment. It was sad to watch him cover his ass in a frenetic way as he admitted some of his most ridiculous opinions about the election. Billy Boy fancies himself to be a traditional American, a champion of his cause, a...
Stephen Harper is the Antithesis to Canadian Values
harper government
In 2011, I and my fellow Canadians were called to the voting booths midway into Harper's second reign of terror in the hope of bringing new players into the fold. I voted for the NDP (New Democratic Party) personally, while the Liberal party received just shy of the NDP vote in the end. However, despite the overall damage Harper's government has been and continues to wreak upon our country, they got the majority vote and was given the green light...
Tragedy: Good for Politicians, Bad for Those Affected
hurricane sandy
Hurricane Sandy seems to have done her numbers so far. It has flooded parts of Manhattan, killed forty-one or more people in the Caribbean, left a construction crane hanging by metal threads, provided exceptional waves for radical dudes on surfboards, and generated electric generator & bulk foods sales in superfluous amounts. So while the people on the ground are reeling from all the damage and trying to get their lives back to normal (or battlin...
Why You Should Disregard Presidential Debates
commission on presidential debates
Amidst the obnoxious buzzing of the beltway media as demanded by their corporatist overlords is an obscured third-party voice. This voice is the independent, the third party voter; those who are discontent with the painfully obvious butchering of what should be honest, un-soured political machinations, but instead turns out to be a live reality television stunt that doubles as a multi-faceted marketing stunt. And that same voice is routinely sque...
Fox News out to destroy CNN's Candy Crowley
cnn candy crowley
Dear Mrs. Candy Crowley, Watch out Mrs. Crowley, Fox News has set its sights on your employed status at CNN, owned by your parent company Turner Broadcasting System, whom Fox News loathes. You read me right; the "my way or the highway" juggernauts at Fox News have set the proverbial sights on your sorry behind! You dared to question the very powerful, very "fish out of water" (which he was more than usual, just in time for the debates of co...
Bill "Sore Loser" O'Reilly: I Won the Rumble!
the rumble 2012
At least, in his mind he did. [extract1]Bill O'Reilly is, as expected, not owning up to how much devastation he incurred by the likes of Jon Stewart, especially when he called him 'The Mayor of Bullshit Mountain'. As you watch the video (provided below), you almost wonder what was going through the old man's mind at that point. You could tell that he wanted to retort, but he just couldn't. Yet it wasn't at the debate where he'd attack Stewart ...
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