A different way to experience Barcelona
Barcelona is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world. The city has endless options and possibilities to offer, but if you are looking for an authentic once in a lifetime experience, then we can not stop recommending you check out Gotland Charter and their exclusive Barcelona boat tours and charters.

Barcelona by the sea
Barcelona is a really beautiful city but, as with every major city in the world, life can often get hectic on it. Because of it, a new tendency has emerged over the last years: boat re... continue reading
More in News

Your dream holidays at Moraira
Nowadays, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more people are parting ways with mainstream holidays destinations and opting out for less known ...

UK patients are stockpiling drugs
According to The Guardian, there is evidence that there are a number of patients in the UK who are stockpiling drugs against official guidance in fear...

Trump hits China with new tariffs, whines about possible Beijing retaliation
If there's one person as stupid as one can be, it's probably the cartoon president Trump. I'm just saying. I don't mean anything about it. I didn't ev...

Paris Climate agreement, Iran Nuclear deal, Human Rights Council, Healthcare ... Flat Earth?
After becoming the president of the United States of America, Trump has done everything but build his wall. He has insulted disabled people; he has se...

Trump's State of the Union was NOT watched by record number of people
It's not even news anymore that Trump's claims don't hold up in the world of...well, reality, but here we go again. Trump tweeted that his State of th...

Trump keeps children hostage, demands $25 billion
While the wording is slightly incorrect, considering the issue is not necessarily with children, but 1.8 million undocumented immigrants who have been...

Sean Hannity says Obama has a sick obsession with Trump
Sean Hannity, host of Hannity show on Fox News , said on Thursday that (former) president Barack Obama has a sick obsession with president Trump.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is as clueless as Sean Spicer
Sarah Huckabee Sanders seems to have no idea how the immigration program actually works. But then again, neither does probably his boss Donald Trump.
Trump gets it wrong again, says Amazon doesn't pay taxes
On Wednesday Trump tweeted that "Amazon is doing great damage to tax paying retailers. Towns, cities and states throughout the U.S. are being hurt - many jobs being lost!"

Of course, Trump got it wrong again, according to the copmpany's latest annual report to the Securities and Exchange Commission, Amazon paid $412... continue reading
John McCain's 2016 challenger urges him to resign because of brain cancer diagnosis
Kelli Ward, the osteopathic physician who failed to beat McCain in Republican primary in 2016, has urged McCain to resign after it was revealed McCain has an aggressive brain cancer.

She said that "I hope that Sen. McCain is going to look long and hard at this, that his family and advisers are going to look at this ... continue reading
Trump, desperate for fame, fakes Time magazine covers with his own picture
(And this shit is not even made up)

The president from the movie Idiocracy who we call Trump, the man so desperate for fame and his cover on Time magazine, has made his own fake covers and put them on display at his company's golf clubs.

Time magazine has now asked the Trump Organization to remove the bad fake co... continue reading
PR disaster Sean Spicer steps down to take on a more senior role
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer is stepping down from his current position after he has not managed to make any Trump's statements more edible for the average person.

Here are just a few statements Spicer has put out there that ... well, while being in line with the president's views, have not left the best... continue reading
Trump approval rating hits new low - 36 percent
According to the new Gallup poll the approval rating for president Trump has hit a new low after the failure to pass a new health care bill. The previous low was 37%, the new low came yesterday when the Gallup poll revealed the recent polling numbers which showed 36% approval rating and 57% disaproval rating.

The p... continue reading

Trump claims he is reducing national dept $400 million a day
Another day, another tweet. Trump has just asked in Twitter why the media has not reported his big achievement of lowering the national debt by $12 bi...

9th Circuit Court declines quick reinstatement of the travel ban
9th Circuit Court declines a quick reinstatement of the travel ban ordered by Trump Jan 27th.

Trump's great, great wall will be paid by American tax payers?
Trump's longstanding promise to build a great, great wall, and get Mexicans to pay for it might be only half true.

18 million to lose insurance once Trump in office?
In the next 10 years the report estimates that 32 million people would lose coverage.

Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence
While some might say 'too little, too late', Obama has commuted the remaining prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, or to be exact, all but four months ...

Trumps choice Betsy DeVos called unfit for job
Betsy DeVos, Trump's pick for Secretary of Education, came under fire from democrats who were calling the member of the Republican Party unfit for the...

It's a Bastard of a Mindset
So, I woke up feeling like a pile of cow manure. You know, the lowest of the low festering on the green grass of this blue sphere. I toss and turn on ...

News Abuse
The news is a never-ending trainwreck. We can’t help but keep our eyes on it.

News Corp. Secretly Romances Monopoly
Does anyone here know what the blazes News Corp. is supposed to be?

Fox's "The War on Christmas" Meme 2012
This meme goes against every positive thing about the holidays, rendering Fox News as a bunch of asshole hypocrites.

Dr. Keith Ablow, Accidental Psychiatrist, Plays Armchair Psychiatrist Instead
...on Fox News, which makes this man hilarious and appear pretty empty-headed.

On Election Day, 47% was the Majority
The "47%" consist of those people who think life is unfair and they want government to make it fair.

Fox News out to destroy CNN's Candy Crowley
Watch out Mrs. Crowley, Fox News has set its sights on your employed status at CNN.

If It’s Delayed It Isn't News
Why can’t our news be as real as what we see in the serialized fiction we gobble up on network television each night?

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