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Category: white

We know it sounds a bit politically incorrect. But why shouldn't you have a chance to read articles only by white people?

A different way to experience Barcelona
Barcelona is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world. The city has endless options and possibilities to offer, but if you are looking for an authentic once in a lifetime experience, then we can not stop recommending you check out Gotland Charter and their exclusive Barcelona boat tours and charters.

Barcelona by the sea
Barcelona is a really beautiful city but, as with every major city in the world, life can often get hectic on it. Because of it, a new tendency has emerged over the last years: boat re... continue reading
More in white

Injured on the Road? 5 Tips for Getting the Best Personal Injury Claim Settlement
Accidents happen, and at some point in your life, you're going to find yourself in a position or situation that it would be nicer if you weren't. Unfo...

The Anti-Bullying Movement: Fools and...Bullies?
It is human god damn nature to be an asshole once in a while, so trying to act like it isn't really gets us nowhere. It also doesn't help the movement...

John McCain's 2016 challenger urges him to resign because of brain cancer diagnosis
Kelli Ward, the osteopathic physician who failed to beat McCain in Republican primary in 2016, has urged McCain to resign after it was revealed McCain...

I don't want your dick and I never will
No I'm not confused. No you can't watch. And no, your massive shaft won't make me straight.

Trump, desperate for fame, fakes Time magazine covers with his own picture
The president from the movie Idiocracy who we call Trump, the man so desperate for fame and his cover on Time magazine, has made his own fake covers a...

Why you should consider a small investment in a background checker?
One of the toughest things I find about being an employer, is knowing how to pick the right staff. I have honed my interview questions, I consider mys...

How to survive the binge drinking generation
If you are just considering alcoholism then this is for you.

A Lesson in Preschool Economics
Bernie Sanders is an economic illiterate, and if you support him, so are you. I am unfortunate enough to include myself in the entitlement generation....

Waking, driving and the magic of relief
Every morning at about 7am, my five year old daughter wakes me up with a cuddle. This is by far my favourite time of the day. I then stagger out of be...
There's Something About Midgets
There's just something very likeable about Midgets. Now, I know that 'Midgets' isn't politically correct and that they prefer to be called dwarves or 'little people' but please excuse me if I stick to the term 'Midgets'. I don't use the term in a derogatory way as I have a profound and lasting respect for Midgets, (no... continue reading
Glen James - A Shining Example of Human Kindness & Honesty
Glen James; what a trooper. Homeless and living in shelters for the homeless, he'd otherwise have every reason to take whatever he could to get out of his situation, if he were so desperate for such. To come across a significant amount of money in a mall, or anywhere for that matter, would probably send most others int... continue reading
Canadian Gov't Gives Special Treatment to Private Corporation, Canadians Ecstatic!
Not that this hasn't happened before in Canadian economic & political history, but I digress. Verizon, a notably powerful ISP, TV, and Phone provider in the U.S. has set its sights on Canada and the lesser ISPs/Phone providers found here. Two rumored acquittals would be Wind Mobile and Mobilicity. That is if the move a... continue reading
Who's Rilin' Palin? Who's Even Listenin'?
Gosh, golly, gee. Jiminy Cricket! Shucks! You betcha! Fuck off!

Unfortunately, back in the circus that was the '08 United States Presidential Election, we, as a collective society, had to bear with more than the desirable earful of Sarah Palin's Midwestern colloquialisms dotting every crevice of her hollow speeches.... continue reading
Gays Are Not Declared Equal Under the Constitution?
Bill O'Reilly, of the cloth, of the order of defending Christmas from all who would ravage it, and of the school of thought which cherishes the Constitution of the United States of America, has a problem. He has a problem with queers, or the gay community for the more PC amongst us, having equal rights as declared by t... continue reading

Bill O'Reilly - Moral Guardian: Humanizing Tony Soprano
Bill O'Reilly, the staunch defender of all things good and pure in the world today, is looking out for you, America! And what menace deserves his deri...

Think of Rachel
Rachel Jeantel doesn't care if you don't like her. She doesn't care if you think she is disrespectful. She doesn't care that she can't read cursive an...

Digging Their Own Graves
The Progressive Conservative party of Canada has, as of late, been buried up to their necks in scandals and cynical reactions from onlookers witnessin...

Are We Too Connected?
Being in my late 20s, I feel like I am at least somewhat on the cutting edge of technology and social media. I use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Googl...

RIOT in Turkey
Angry is about the only way I can describe how I felt after I heard this on the news; a quote from Reccep Tayyip Ergodan, the current Prime Minister o...

Finally in Big news
Finally in big news, the countries of the world are finally realizing that they are being spied on by the American government via the NSA. Figured now...

If you're anything like me, you worry considerably about the state in which we live. We live in a world of near absolute chaos, with an incredibly sma...

Rage Against the Capital Punishment Machine
You seem to be either for it, or against it; capital punishment, the great equalizer of individual cases against crimes of passion, has roused some of...

Dumb Ingredients for a Dumber Consumer
Chemicals! Additives! Preservatives! Names I can't pronounce! Soy! Peanuts! Nutritionists sound so smart & confident! Exclamation Points! Get on with ...

Bill "Sore Loser" O'Reilly 5: This Guy is a Liar
William O'Reilly, 63, is a man of the cloth (for the most part) and a man of few rational quips on cable television. Year by year, he vigorously campa...

Working with the Public: A Guide to Losing Faith in Humanity
I have witnessed firsthand the stupidity of the American people.

Cyprus Needs to Happen, So Stop Crying like a Bitch
Cyprus is one of the less known countries where the super rich flock stores their countless riches, which they pathologically hoard in their psychotic...

Does Monsanto Now Have a Vice Grip on the U.S.?
Good job, President Barrack Obama, you allowed the former attorney for Monsanto, Michael Taylor, to become commissioner of the FDA. Transparency be da...

Political Correctness, in Film Reviews!
On Thursday, March 21st, Karoli wrote what is titled, "Netflix CEO's Education Reform Views Sneak into House of Cards."

Steven Crowder - Moral Guardian: Men Shouldn't Hit Women!
Roll out the red carpet - Steven Crowder is on the scene!

In Gosh We Trust
Holy cow! My word! Jiminy Crickets! When something surprising or unbelievable happens, what's your go-to phrase of exclamation?

Your complaint matters: but it bloody shouldn't
You may be one of 2200 people who had the time to call into a hotline recently and complain about the sketch.

Bill "Sore Loser" O'Reilly 4: This is Bull--BLANK!
On Tuesday, March 5th, 2013, O'Reilly got into a spat for the books with frequent guest Alan Colmes.

The global Chinese puppet theater
China has been rumbling away for the past decade like an unstoppable fiscal tank, diversifying, purchasing debt, expanding their military and talking ...

That Copyright Thing
Ever since the demise of Aaron Schwartz, faux moral guardians everywhere went on tirades around the internet about how copyright is so bad. Is it real...

How close is Big Brother?
Are our governments actually trying to protect us from a looming threat, or are our governments themselves breaching our privacy in the name of some h...

Canada: For Sale; Dictatorships Save Big!
Welcome, shoppers! As you may well know by the title of this post, the country of Canada is up for grabs!

Fighting The Obvious
For years I've wondered why conservatives like myself seem to be at such a disadvantage.

Human rights is a Worker's Fight!
The Australian Labor movement and, I suspect, the Democratic movement in the United States, has been a victim of its successes.

3 Reasons You're Probably Indoctrinated
Think of television, education, and politics.

The Hunchback King
Known throughout history as the Hunchback King, recent events have brought this name-calling into controversy.

Hard Times in the Maritimes
These are hard times, indeed, and no one should have to be put through this.

Bill "Sore Loser" O'Reilly 3: NBC is Protecting Obama
That's the contention which Bill would like you, his faithful viewer, to believe.

Yeah, Well, Erhm...TAXES!
And freeloaders! And food stamps!

Tow Our Line or Get The F*ck Out!
Groupthink is not appealing to me; never has been, never will be.

Public Opinion
"Public calls! We've got the public on our side! Out of my way, guy with public opinion coming through!"

Kevin O'Leary: One Trick Pony
There are assholes, and then there are those who wish to be assholes. Kevin O'Leary is an obnoxious combination of both.

Let's Ban This, That, and Those Too
Probably the best story ever told. It should be banned.

More Shit That Just Pisses Me Off
And there's a lot of it...

Rape in America
Why is the subject of rape divisive? It sure as hell shouldn't be. Rape is something that I am pretty sure is accepted as something that is morally an...

The BP Oil Spill Conspiracy
Really...? Yes, really.

Rise of the Cynical Bastards
The Media is without a doubt mostly to blame for the trend of cynical bastards rising in prevalence.

Golf Sucks. It Really, Really Sucks
This is coming from a former hobbyist golfer, so take heed of my words.

Really? James Dobson blames gays, abortion for shootings
James Dobson, the founder of the social conservative Focus on the Family, blames Americans who have turned their back on God for the shootings.

God vs. Mental Illness
Twenty-seven people have paid the price for our country's mistakes.

The Hubris of Man
You can pass law after law in attempting to correct the ills, but it will never solve the problem.

If the sole purpose of a firearm is mass murder, it should be banned from civilian ownership.

Happy "Gimme!" Days, One and All
What about the rampant greed and lunacy that breaks out like an annual case of bad ACNE in time for the holidays?

The Fiscal Cliff Notes
My wife thinks our family budget is nearing the "Fiscal Cliff" because we can’t afford her buying brand new $100 shoes once a month.

News Corp. Secretly Romances Monopoly
Does anyone here know what the blazes News Corp. is supposed to be?

Fox's "The War on Christmas" Meme 2012
This meme goes against every positive thing about the holidays, rendering Fox News as a bunch of asshole hypocrites.

Dr. Keith Ablow, Accidental Psychiatrist, Plays Armchair Psychiatrist Instead
...on Fox News, which makes this man hilarious and appear pretty empty-headed.

Hey Hostess, You Can Eat My Twinkie
Hostess did one better and "Ate the Union's Lunch."

Should the government do more to discourage cigarette smoking?
The government should seriously think what they have to do to reduce this plague.

The X-Factor - polishing turds for our consumption
Each year The X-Factor pulls turds off the street and polishes them. But how long before the shine wears off and the turd shows through?

The "Canada Economic Action Plan" is a Sham
God damn it, my fellow Canadians, god freaking damn it.

Masochism Is Not a Crime
Adults can't buy and sell sex?

An End to the Marijuana Prohibition?
With weed being legalized recreationally in two states (though one with many restrictions), will weed someday be federally legal?

Church & State: (Not) A Love Story
Like white on rice. The sticky kind.

What is this country coming too?
Is this going to fizzle out soon, or is this just the tip of the ice burgh?

Libertarianism: The Cult
David Koresh ain't got shit on us!

Contracts in Music, and What's Wrong with Them
I'm baffled as to why contracts should even be present in music at all.

Bill "Sore Loser" O'Reilly 2: Traditional America is Gone
Old, decidedly senile, blatantly racist, and as is typical with most of the Fox crew, takes liberty with his positions whenever deemed necessary.

Abraham Lincoln: Literally Hitler
If you asked your average American who the top 3 US Presidents of all time are, I'd bet that one of the answers would be Abraham Lincoln. But the fact...

The Sick Truth Behind Washington's Attempt to Legalize Pot
Initiative 502 will actually make Cannabis more illegal by legalizing it. The driving policies especially could end up sending innocent people to jail...

Introducing Chad Tycoon, future King of the UK
Chad Tycoon is a wealthy man who employs the Sultan of Brunei to be his footstool. You get the picture.

Secession: The first element to a civil war
Apparently a lot of people are pissed off about the election results, and they'll do anything in their powers to show it.

Stephen Harper is the Antithesis to Canadian Values
In 2011 Harper's government was given the green light to perpetuate their assault on environmental, fiscal, and social integrity for Canada.

Serious relationships are (almost) a thing of the past
The good old days of crushes, dates, and respect are out the door. Say hello to our future: guilt, desperation, and hooking up.

The Love Agenda
I have yet to hear or read a satisfactory reason as to why a same-sex couple does not have all the rights enjoyed by a straight couple.

Why We Aren’t As Progressive As We Think We Are
A very wise family member said, "Well, I guess the country was more prepared for a black man to lead than a woman."

United State of Whatever
Elections aren't for everyone. Politics in general really. But it's just one hell of a pain in the ass to avoid.

On Election Day, 47% was the Majority
The "47%" consist of those people who think life is unfair and they want government to make it fair.

Latino is the New Black
The results are in, and to no ones surprise, Latino’s overwhelmingly voted to put Barack Obama back into office for another four years.

Buckle Your Bible-Belt
Here in the south, people support their britches with a good ol' bible-belt.

So...Now What?
Election has been brutal. Feet are tired, knuckles hurt, throats are dry, fingers throb and brains are pounding. Friendships have ended, families have...

Will The World End In 2012?
The world is predicted to end in just two months!

The Outside Look at the Inside Hollow
I have come to discover a little-known fact about America, and that it has recently gone through what's called a general election.

A look forward into the next four years…

Voting and Shitty Restaurants: A Metaphor
Voting is stupid. Instead, you should take huge dumps.

So Many Broken Promises
The list of broken promises made by Mr. Obama goes to literally hundreds.

A Wager with Her Majesty
We are witnesses to mass devolution to a disillusioned and disunited people, or peoples.

Romney wins the popular vote
Ok, Romney isn’t president – yet. But, being Halloween, I wanted to scare some liberals.

Is The Climate Change Fraud Finally Behind Us?
As we begin to assess the damage Sandy has caused, we sit and wait for the shitstorm to begin.

Cops Don’t Want To Be On Camera Anymore
Pass the laws to make it illegal for you to film or take pictures of any police officer. What?

Tragedy: Good for Politicians, Bad for Those Affected
Hurricane Sandy seems to have done her numbers.

What the Hippies Taught America and How Occupy Didn’t Listen
They refused to play the government’s game and in doing so, they created the greatest counter-cultural movement in history.

Scientology- Sponsored by the Federal Government
Make no mistake about it, Scientology is a huge, huge business.

Why You Should Disregard Presidential Debates
Amidst the obnoxious buzzing of the beltway media as demanded by their corporatist overlords is an obscured third-party voice.

Lance Armstrong Got Run Over
Seven-time Tour de France champion, Lance Armstrong, was run over this week.

I’m Tired of Our Love Affair with Teachers
Is there anyone else out there, like me, who is sick and tired of the national meme that teachers are sacrosanct and above all reproach?

V for Vendetta
Are the hackers modern Guy Fawkes, modern rebels?

Stop War. Stop the Troops. Stop Support.
Why should people support the military? This is a simple question, but at the same time, its implications are almost blasphemous.

How Gen. Y decides who they will vote for President (according to Gen. X.)
Obviously we are all choosing our vote based on their celebrity endorsements, right?

The Biggest Scam Ever Played
Looking back at President Obama’s first term, can we, as a nation, honestly assess exactly what he’s accomplished, and more importantly, what he hasn’...

What We (Should Have) Learned From Sandusky
“Mommy, that old man touched me in a weird place.” “That’s impossible! The football team he helps coach wins a lot!”

Mitt Romney: Draft Dodger or Selfless servant of the Lord?
Ann Romney tries (again) to paint her husband as a selfless, giving individual.

Fox News out to destroy CNN's Candy Crowley
Watch out Mrs. Crowley, Fox News has set its sights on your employed status at CNN.

Paul Ryan’s Single Chance to Redeem Himself
Paul Ryan called me today. I was about to hang up, but his was supposed to be a telephone Town Hall meeting with Congressman Paul Ryan.

Watch out for Honey Boo Boo
How people in the south react to our poster family of rednecks.

The True Tragedy of Amanda Todd
I will share with you, some of the more disturbing details of the average teenage girl.

The Lesser of Two Evils
If your main argument for choosing Barack Obama or Mitt Romney for president has anything to do with one being less evil then the other, I'm so glad y...

To Hell with the Facts!
With the 2012 Presidential Election looming, the subject on your mind at this moment is probably the future of this country.

Governor Ladybinders Needs To Learn To Make His Own Dinner
So, women make $0.78 to every man’s dollar? And people are surprised by this?

Recycling - What A Waste
As I’m sure you can tell by my opening, I’m no fan of recycling, especially state-enforced recycling.

Of Binders and B.S.: Mitt Romney takes another swing at connecting with Americans for an epic miss
So, for those of us who live in caves Mitt Romney opened his mouth at the second Presidential Debate of 2012 last night and surprisingly, another load...

And the Debates Continue to Ignore Everything
So far in all debates between the candidates the issues that really matter have been absolutely ignored.

President Obama is a Racist
Why is Obama a racist? I don’t know. But, here are some classic examples of his blatant racism.

Religion in Politics
The worst thing to happen to modern day Politics would have to be the overuse of Religion to sway votes.

What Really Pisses me Off
Recycling, ribbons, politically uninformed, NFL players in Pink, pussies, face libertarians, what's do they have in common?

Bill "Sore Loser" O'Reilly: I Won the Rumble!
Bill O'Reilly is, as expected, not owning up to how much devastation he incurred by the likes of Jon Stewart, especially when he called him 'The Mayor...

The Numbers of a Sure Loser
As most of us have noticed over the last couple of weeks, the economic numbers coming out of Washington have appeared overly, and oddly, positive.

The case of Mapp v. Ohio
In this outstanding case, the parties were the following: first as plaintiff, then as respondent was Ohio State, and on the other side first as defen...

An Ugly Theory of Reality
"We are gathering here to participate in this noble gesture and help everyone who needs it. Our politicians have given up half their salaries for the ...

One Debate, Two Candidates, and No Solutions
So a black guy and a Mormon walk onto a stage to convince everyone that they’re the best choice for President. The Mormon boasts of his magical underp...

Bye, Bye Big Bird
Even those of us who didn’t tune into the presidential debate or those who did and fell asleep already know that Romney wants to cut off Big Bird’s he...

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