Justin Landers
Superbious team profiles

Justin Landers

I love political issues and debates and I love giving it to big brothers, who can't seem to do the job they have been employed to do in the first place.


Finding Solace: 10 Reasons Why You Should Visit a Local Church Community Even If You're Not Religious
Visiting a local church community even if you're not religious can give you many new and valuable experiences.

Pass equals fail
Keep in mind that the political system has hills and valleys and there is nothing we, personally, can do to make a difference.

There's Something About Midgets
There's just something very likeable about Midgets. Now, I know that 'Midgets' isn't politically correct and that they prefer to be called dwarves or ...

Getting Hitched? Don't Risk Your Financial Security
The days when prenuptial agreements were only for the rich and famous are long gone. Today, more couples than ever opt for a prenup.

Shaking Hands With Beef Trees
George III is most famous for his loss of the thirteen British colonies to country riff raff. Many of us are the spawn of them country bumpkins. The c...

Justin's contributions

An in-depth look at the mental disorder called "Politics"
An in-depth look at the mental disorder called "Politics", and the sick people ruining America.
american politics

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...yeeeeees, we love Fox News. But we love Jon Stewart and Bill Maher a lot better. Fox News we love because of the quality, amusing, factual information they provide. Bill and Jon we love because they help us see it.

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