Lue Deck
Superbious team profiles

Lue Deck


Trump approval rating hits new low - 36 percent
According to the new Gallup poll the approval rating for president Trump has hit a new low after the failure to pass a new health care bill.

Ohio Middle School Promotes Religions
Portrait of Jesus angers people around Ohio.

More Shit That Just Pisses Me Off
And there's a lot of it...

America doesn't seem to be able to spell.

The X-Factor - polishing turds for our consumption
Each year The X-Factor pulls turds off the street and polishes them. But how long before the shine wears off and the turd shows through?

Lue's contributions

10 Reasons to TRUMP Trump!
On Sept.6, 2015, drawing a unique, historic line in the local sand, The Los Angeles Times News Group’s editorial board proclaimed loudly, and in print, Donald Trump will not get their endorsement in his “winner take all” pogrom to be USA’s president. Good for the L.A. Times! Our media should be clamoring for some “Gravitas” requirement. I was always embarrassed when Junior George Bush was our leader. What a hayseed. I just don’t want to go through that kind of thing again.

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...yeeeeees, we love Fox News. But we love Jon Stewart and Bill Maher a lot better. Fox News we love because of the quality, amusing, factual information they provide. Bill and Jon we love because they help us see it.

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