Rob Andrews
Superbious team profiles

Rob Andrews

Rob Andrews is an Australian teacher of History and English. He has travelled extensively and is passionate about US History and politics. An active atheist, Rob has published numerous articles on the role of religious movement in schools and the military. Rob also writes for pleasure and humour, the lighter side of his work can be found at tumblr, 'stories from Uranus'. You can contact Rob at

Trump's great, great wall will be paid by American tax payers?
Trump's longstanding promise to build a great, great wall, and get Mexicans to pay for it might be only half true.

Keystones and Drones
What is all of this chatter about the Keystone pipeline?

So...Now What?
Election has been brutal. Feet are tired, knuckles hurt, throats are dry, fingers throb and brains are pounding. Friendships have ended, families have...

Paper over common sense?
Doing a better job than the losers in Donald Trump Halloween costumes doesn't seem to pay off.

Of generalization and bullshit
Or should I say, of generalization bullshit. I just read an article on Observer (publisher is Donald Trump's son-in-law), talking about the "blatant r...

Rob's contributions

Waking, driving and the magic of relief
Every morning at about 7am, my five year old daughter wakes me up with a cuddle. This is by far my favourite time of the day. I then stagger out of bed over the protestation of muscles I never knew I had but that seem determined nonetheless to remind me that today is going to suck. Meanwhile, my daughter has sprung out of the bed as if she was wearing pajamas with rockets standard. And she wakes happy. Not adult version "I'm going to be positive today" bullshit type happy either. I mean, cocaine addled purple unicorn riding junkie happy. I wake ready to punch the person foolish enough to be responsible for said waking. I don't, which is just as well.
There's Something About Midgets
There's just something very likeable about Midgets. Now, I know that 'Midgets' isn't politically correct and that they prefer to be called dwarves or 'little people' but please excuse me if I stick to the term 'Midgets'. I don't use the term in a derogatory way as I have a profound and lasting respect for Midgets, (note the use of a capital letter). It's just that I can't credit anyone as a dwarf unless they're wielding an axe somewhere in Middle Earth and 'little people' is just a mouthful, which is ironic as a Midget sporting a mouthful sized 'little person' would probably keel over.
The global Chinese puppet theater
China has been rumbling away for the past decade like an unstoppable fiscal tank, diversifying, purchasing debt, expanding their military and talking to any who will listen about their role as a world leader.
china and united states
Human rights is a Worker's Fight!
The Australian Labor movement and, I suspect, the Democratic movement in the United States, has been a victim of its successes.
alp australia
The Love Agenda
I have yet to hear or read a satisfactory reason as to why a same-sex couple does not have all the rights enjoyed by a straight couple.
gay marriage

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