Webster Mason
Superbious team profiles

Webster Mason


What might the future of gambling look like?
Whether you think well of gambling or not, it's been with us since the beginning of mankind.

News Abuse
The news is a never-ending trainwreck. We can’t help but keep our eyes on it.

Happy "Gimme!" Days, One and All
What about the rampant greed and lunacy that breaks out like an annual case of bad ACNE in time for the holidays?

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is as clueless as Sean Spicer
Sarah Huckabee Sanders seems to have no idea how the immigration program actually works. But then again, neither does probably his boss Donald Trump.

When Nature Calls
The year 1998 saw the publication of my third book. Of all my books this remains unrelated to any of my 70-odd others, all of which have some link to ...

Webster's contributions

Let's Face It, We're War Criminals
Says Cheney, "I would do it again in a minute." I'm sure he means, "I will do it again in a minute," referring to torture. How else is he supposed to enjoy his retirement without re-living his glory years? (I shudder at the thought of Cheney's reaction when one of the housekeepers does something stupid like misplace his watch. "Time to go to the box, Rosa.")

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...yeeeeees, we love Fox News. But we love Jon Stewart and Bill Maher a lot better. Fox News we love because of the quality, amusing, factual information they provide. Bill and Jon we love because they help us see it.

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