Eli Fitsmined

Eli's contributions

Bernie Sanders - what does he believe?
Bernie Sanders has entered the race for becoming the president of the United States once again. And he managed to raise one million dollars in a span of just four hours. But what does he actually believe in? What does he stand for? While many people consider him to be a socialist, and he has said as much himself as well, is he really one? Democratic Socialism He has said that "Democratic socialism means that we must create an economy that wor...
Trump: I'll break it and then claim credit for almost fixing it
Trump is a man of unlimited unnecessary words and no real new action. His reusable plan of action is always the same - let's take something that is working but might need improvement, let's totally destroy it, and then restore it close to what it was. And now claim credit for fixing a problem that didn't exist in the first place. That's the blueprint for how to fuck up a country, and the world, one step at a time. Don't believe me? Just think ...
Sharing fake information does not promote your cause
I remember a while back, one of my acquaintances shared a photo in Facebook, with a caption something like "That's what happens to Muslims in X country run by Christians". My friend is a Muslim, and while he is a really great guy, sometimes he gets some things very wrong. I looked at the photo, something was off, looked at it again, and realized the photo was definitely put together with a help of Photoshop, and while what my friend said can ...
Paris Climate agreement, Iran Nuclear deal, Human Rights Council, Healthcare ... Flat Earth?
After becoming the president of the United States of America, Trump has done everything but build his wall. He has insulted disabled people; he has separated immigrant children from their families; he has been in ugly non-presidential Twitter fights with pretty much everyone; he has been an eight-year-old two-faced twat that he actually is; he's left the Paris Climate agreement because, well, climate change is obviously not real; he has abandoned the Iran Nuclear deal; he has left the UN Human Rights Council; he has taken away affordable(ish) healthcare from a number of people; he has lied possible around at least thousand times about everything from meetings with Russians to crowd size during his inauguration; he gave tax cuts for himself and his wealthy friends. Probably his next statement will be claiming that the Flat Earth conspiracy theorists have been right all along. But at least he has made on friend one the way, Kim Jong-un.
Elon Musk off the rails, just temporary?
Elon Musk has been in the news a lot during the past years and mostly, independent of what's been talked about, in a positive light. Most people don't know who the man is or more specifically, what he is like, but based on the media coverage, he's a great guy who thinks big, innovates, and doesn't really care what others think of him or his enterprises, simply because he knows what he wants to do and does it. And that's what we love about him the...
Trump's State of the Union was NOT watched by record number of people
It's not even news anymore that Trump's claims don't hold up in the world of...well, reality, but here we go again. Trump tweeted that his State of the Union was watched by the highest number of people in history. And this time we can't even understand why would he have to shout out an obvious lie. He tweeted, "Thank you for all of the nice compliments and reviews on the State of the Union speech. 45.6 million people watched, the highest numb...
A fairly (un)educated look into PROs and CONs of GMOs
Lately there has been lots of talk about GMO crops - who's banning it, who's burning it, who's simply fighting against it without even knowing why or whether it actually makes sense. Very often the reason against is simply the overheard-on-the-street - it's bad for ya! But is it really? Or is GMO actually good? Or if it should be banned, is there a real reason behind it besides the "I don't like it" or "My uneducated friend said it's unhealthy" b...
Trump keeps children hostage, demands $25 billion
While the wording is slightly incorrect, considering the issue is not necessarily with children, but 1.8 million undocumented immigrants who have been brought to the United States as children, he is essentially keeping them hostage, saying that he would offer them path to citizenship only if Democrats are willing to create a $25 billion trust fund for border wall (which initially he said would cost $10 million that would be paid by the government...
Sean Hannity says Obama has a sick obsession with Trump
Sean Hannity, host of Hannity show on Fox News , said on Thursday that (former) president Barack Obama has a sick obsession with president Trump, saying that Obama is "obviously sick, pathetic, and twisted in this obsession with President Trump. It's kind of like everybody in the media." He also said that "Every single chance Obama gets, whether it'd be here at home, overseas, it doesn't matter. He's trashing, trying to undermine the presiden...
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is as clueless as Sean Spicer
Sarah Huckabee Sanders seems to have no idea how the immigration program actually works. But then again, neither does probably his boss Donald Trump. So what's it about this time? Sayfullo Saipov is accused of driving a rented pickup truck on a bike path in New York on Tuesday. Trump said that the man "came into our country through what is called the Diversity Visa Lottery Program." And that's correct. But unfortunately, this is the only t...
Trump tripping on acid again
Just as Democrats thought they had managed to do some sort of deal with Trump, Trump gets high and starts doing what he does best again - trying to show Melania he has the power to do anything he wants to. In Trump's mind, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, seems to be a very reasonable thing to do, as he's shown us times over, and over, and over again. On Sunday evening, while everyone else were enjoying...
If the professor of the University of Tampa had acted like Trump
A university professor at the University of Tampa was fired for suggesting hurricane Harvey was karma for Texas Republicans. He tweeted on Sunday that "I don't believe in instant Karma but this kinda feels like it for Texas. Hopefully this will help them realize the GOP doesn't care about them." Two days after the tweet he was fired. But knowing he was right, he kept on slamming the Republicans in Twitter, saying that "Look, yes, I got fired b...
Jimmy Kimmel's Trump monologue
On Tuesday Jimmy Kimmel took the stage for the opening monologue of his nightly show. What he said about Trump is what everyone should listen, whether you're a fan or fag (well, let's call everyone who truly dislikes him a fag, just for the sake of it, for not reason). You can see the entire monologue in the end of this piece, but let's just bring out a few lines that we feel are the most important ones. I want to speak to those of you who vot...
The root cause of Pedophile Priests are women..wait, what?
Raymond Leo Burke, an American cardinal prelate of the Catholic Church and a leader of its conservative wing, spoke out some time ago about the problems Catholicism is facing. He also touched the topic of pedophilia, and he concluded that the root cause of the problem are women. He said that women were the ones who feminized the church and were also responsible for discouraging manly men from participating in clerical life and it's wrong to ha...
Trump afraid Mueller investigation will look into his tax returns
Trump's team is doing its best to block the special counsel Robert S. Mueller III's Russia investigation. Part of what he seems to be worried about is that Mueller would be able to access several years of his tax returns, something he has never been ready to actually do, although he has promised to do it a number of times. Looking back into history, not one president since Jimmy Carter have refused to release their tax returns. While this inve...
Americans still way behind Canada when it comes to weed
While Trump, together with his sidekick, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, is considering reverting back to the old school method of drug enforcement by bringing back huge penalties for small-time drug offenders, Canada has announced that no later than July 2018 Canadians will be able to go to their local cannabis distributor and buy some pot without any medical prescription. Until that takes place, people can buy weed online. While buying weed onl...
Trump's speech hailed as brilliant
Trump gave a long speech in Poland. I read the full transcript from The Australian, and then read the comments under it - one thing you should never do, but you still do it every once in a while from sick interest. I do agree that the speech was pretty good, can't argue with that. Some people are calling it the most brilliant speech ever. Okay, that's okay, Trump himself would probably call it the same (but for him everything he does is the be...
Trump visited Twitter again
Not that it's something new. But it definitely is a new day. And new day brings new tweets from the dude. And the new tweets bring new controversy. And in that perspective, there's actually nothing new. As if even the day hasn't changed. He tweeted "I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don't watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came...." ".....to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Y...
Washington, cannabis, and the secret public high
During Obama's presidency the laws related to marijuana, or pot, weed, dope, burrito, rope, ganja, schwag, became ... let's say, softer. They removed the bureaucratic obstacle to privately-funded medical marijuana research, making medical marijuana research easier. Previously, if you wanted to study medical marijuana, you had to submit your proposal to FDA for review, you also needed to submit the proposal to PHS (Public Health Service). Then, if...
PR disaster Sean Spicer steps down to take on a more senior role
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer is stepping down from his current position after he has not managed to make any Trump's statements more edible for the average person. Here are just a few statements Spicer has put out there that ... well, while being in line with the president's views, have not left the best impression of the Press Secretary, neither managed to do anything good for Trump. Nazis and gases "We didn't use chemical wea...
Donald Trump's wall problems
Donald Trump, the unfortunate 45th president of the United States, as one of his main promises to the people who elected him, he said that he will build a "big, beautiful wall," so beautiful that even Ivanka is nothing next to it. The man who most likely came straight out from the movie Idiocracy, wants to build the wall along around half the 3100km (2000-mile) border. Sounds like a good plan to execute on your day off, for example, right? ...
Ivanka - you are beautiful, but your father is still an ignorant asshole
And I believe you know it. You've been living together with the man for ages, so you'd be the first to know who he is. Of course he is your father, and nobody likes people talking crap about our family, but even if you don't like it, much of it can be true, as it is the case with your father. His intentions might be well-meant in his own mind, helping the American working man in whichever way it can be done, and of course, keeping his enor...
Trump approval rating hits new low - 36 percent
According to the new Gallup poll the approval rating for president Trump has hit a new low after the failure to pass a new health care bill. The previous low was 37%, the new low came yesterday when the Gallup poll revealed the recent polling numbers which showed 36% approval rating and 57% disaproval rating. The previous lowest number was 37% on March 18. Gallup poll's daily results are based on phone interviews with 1500 national adults ...
When Trump says Nay, he actually means Yay!
Trump has made quite a few announcements and Tweets about President Obama's wiretapping lately. Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism! or Is it legal for a sitting President to be "wire tapping" a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW! Now his translator Sean Spicer said that the president actually...
Trump: I'm not a racist, it's all about politics
Donald Trump said in an interview yesterday on Fox News' "Fox & Friends" that "I can't [take racist accusations personally]...I have to write it off as purely politics. It just seems the other side whenever they are losing badly they always pull out the race card." While Trump says it's all about politics, and he doesn't take the racist accusations seriously, because he's obviously not a racist, we'll leave the final decision up to you. Here a...
Obama probably, definitely, possibly behind White House leaks
It hasn't been exactly confirmed as an alternative fact yet, and definitely not a fact, but according to Trump Obama is behind the White House leaks, well, probably, definitely, possibly, maybe. In the beginning of February Trump said that his calls with the leaders of Australia and Mexico were leaked by Obama people (sounds sort of like the Reptilian people, doesn't it?). During an interview in Fox News when asked if Obama might be behind the...
Trump claims he is reducing national dept $400 million a day
Another day, another tweet. Trump has just asked in Twitter why the media hasn't reported his big achievement of lowering the national debt by $12 billion, or $400 million a day during his first 30 days in office. While he doesn't seem to grasp the issue, economists have already started trying to explain him that, man, it wasn't you. There are two main issues with his claim. The first one is that during his time in office he hasn't had time t...
9th Circuit Court declines quick reinstatement of the travel ban
9th Circuit Court declines a quick reinstatement of the travel ban ordered by Trump Jan 27th. However, later today things may change again. Answering about the travel ban, trump has called the judge a "so-called judge" and by doing that, as a president, possibly insulted the entire concept of legal system and the three branch system at the same time. Trump wrote on Saturday that "The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes...
Trump was an eight-year-old bully yesterday, and will be tomorrow
(and that's a fact) Or actually, there are two facts (...well, at least). The first one is that Donald John Trump is going to be the next President of the United States. How it happened, it's still sort of mystery for me, but it's a fact. The second fact is that Donald Trump is the same person today as he was yesterday. He might be something different in 10 years time (who knows), but tomorrow he will definitely be the same man he was yesterda...
Charity is in the lies
They say charity begins at home - or, before we go into it, it's not even clear what that statement really means when someone says it. Some use the term as a protest against giving money to people you don't know. Somewhat just to alleviate their guilt of actually not being charitable. Others pretty much use the term to express the opposite view - that you definitely should give money to people in need, even if you have no idea who they actually a...
What might the future of gambling look like?
Whether you think well of gambling or not, it's been with us since the beginning of mankind. Betting, different card games, over time some things have changed – you now have the chance to also play online slots, poker against opponents in another continent, while the card games, and even the basics of betting, haven't changed too much. But what about the future? We have all seen numerous sci-fi blockbusters that have either tried to create a new ...
Fixing the world: A draft for solving the refugee crisis
Within the past years, 12 previous months most of all, millions of people have fled their countries - a big part of them from Syria, but also Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran. Probably around 2 million refugees have come to Europe, more to Turkey and other countries, and EU has so far been unable to deal with it. Its open door policy, starred by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, could be called a complete bust. But there could be a way out, at least...
Of generalization and bullshit
Or should I say, of generalization bullshit. I just read an article on Observer, talking about the "blatant racism" in Estonia. The article was called "Estonia Wants More NATO Troops—But Only If They Aren’t Black". I understand that a headline like this will get noticed, it will get clicks, and after all, that's what today's journalism is all about. But it's awful to see how much generalization is being used. Not to mention the fact that the arti...
12 reasons why Everyone should vote for Donald Trump
Donald Trump used to be just a business man. Once in debt around one billion dollars, he managed to negotiate, and get out of debt. Then he became the douche boss at the TV reality The Apprentice. It's all good, everyone are allowed to boost their ego just a bit. Now he's running for the president of the United States. He's the most controversial candidate of ... well, decades? Some people love him blindly, some people simply hate him, some peopl...
Fearing the Change Upon Us
For the last few years I have watched as this country has swung from a land of milk and honey that promised salvation to all the downtrodden of the world to a country run by fear. It has become a place where anyone who isn't part of the small minority of white balding old men is considered the enemy and money has become the only answer. When did this great country become this land of snivelling fear-mongers and idiots in bad hair pieces? A C...
How Much Does Google Know About You?
This infographic was brought to you by ...
Dealing with students is just like dealing with toddlers
As many 18 year olds head off to university and the excitement of freshers’ week, an online voucher code website has looked at the similarities students share with toddlers, especially when students are drunk. From being awake all night long, to falling asleep anywhere, questionable clothing choices and see all the ways students and toddlers are the same in the infographic below. It’s easy to see the number of similarities between toddlers an...
The case For and Against refugees
Even if you are not following the news daily, you're aware of the current situation concerning refugees (and migrants). A number of countries have seen, or a least heard, the increasingly loud voices of local "patriots" speaking against offering asylum to refugees. For those of you who are not able to make a difference between a refugee and a migrant, the first is a person fleeing armed conflict or persecution, whose situation is "so perilous and...
Right to shared parental leave in the UK
An infographic by Citrix GoToMeeting outlines the right to shared parental leave in the UK that came into force on April 5th 2015. ...
What UK Leaders Coalition children would look like!
In the run up to the UK General Election an online voucher code website has imagined what the party leaders coalition children would look like. The possibility of another coalition government seems likely as voters go to the polls on Thursday 7th May 2015, with 7 leaders to choose from it leads them to some amusing results. With the UK General Election round the corner MyVoucherCodes.co.uk have imagined what our main party leaders children wo...
Top Gear fans are idiots
Yes, you, and you, and you there sending death threats to the producer, Oisin Tymon, as well as the BBC director general Tony Hall and his wife. How else could one explain the threats made to those people? Especially when the producer is only guilty of taking the verbal and physical assault, and the BBC director for firing Clarkson. Keeping also in mind that it wasn't the producer who made the complaint, but Jeremy Clarkson himself told the BBC d...
The self-proclaimed guardian of the world should lead by example
The International Criminal Court, or in short, ICC, is an international tribunal based in The Hague is the Netherlands. It's job, responsibility, is to prosecute individuals for the international crimes against humanity, genocide, and war crimes. It can only exercise its jurisdiction if the national courts are unable or unwilling to prosecute criminals or if the individual states or the United Nations Security Council refer investigations to ICC...
Is the West to blame for Ukraine?
In a recent article at the foreignaffairs.com, John J. Mearsheimer blames the West and the U.S. in the problems in Ukraine. He says that Putin, in this case, isn't so much to blame at all. In the article called "Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault" he says "U.S. and European leaders blundered in attempting to turn Ukraine into a Western stronghold on Russia’s border. " and "The United States and its European allies share most of...
You know the world is fucked up when...
When news about government's wrongdoing fast becomes the news about how the story came out or who leaked the information. [pic1] When world crises, wars, huge problems drag on for too long it's not considered news anymore, but rather same old, same old, that nobody cares about anymore. [pic2] When cool, or depending on whom you ask, bad-taste t-shirts, overshadow huge achievements in history. [pic3] When the procedures, bureaucracy, and law...
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