Olivia Lox
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Olivia Lox

Creative college student with interests in screenwriting, comedy, and psychology, Supporter of equal rights for all. Global health advocate and activist. Supporter of an organic lifestyle. Just another rat suffering under the machinations of the "democracy." Have fun reading through the inner dialogue of my brain.

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Olivia's contributions

Syria vs. Syria?
Last week, the devastation of a chemical attack in Syria was covered in the news. The story was presented by news media as an attack of a rebel group against the government. More that 1,400 innocent people were killed, sparking international interest. An attack by the U.S. has been planned in the near future, more specifically before the U.S. president leaves for Russia. On the surface, this act of violence seems like a typical, yet particularly ...
Lamar Odom: It's a slippery Slope
On the morning of August 30th, 2013, basketball player and more notably Kardashian husband, Lamar Odom was pulled over for reckless driving. After being caught on the 101 near Sepulveda, the athlete refused drug testing, leading to the suspension of his license. In recent weeks, his name has found itself plastered to magazines and even made headlines in local news for this latest blunder. Many reports claim he is using drugs and refuses rehab. Sadly, this is not his biggest mistake to date and we should have seen it coming.
Has racism evolved?
racism in america
Welcome to the age where you can read all your magazines on an iPad, where cars talk to you and tell you which way to go, where toilets flush themselves, and where your phones can do everything, including your taxes. Seems like we are living in the future, but it's not as advanced as we would like to think. Despite still having to use gasoline and the lack of jetpacks, there are other setbacks keeping us from being as progressive as we would ...
It's Sex, It's free, why not?
what is tinder
It's a Wednesday night and I'm pacing anxiously around the printer in my college computer lab. "Where is my shit!?" After forty-five minutes, it decides to spit out my screenplay and I run out of the lab. Then hunger strikes -- a quick solution presents itself, I decide to get take out at one of the Mexican restaurants at my college. [extract1]The place is quick serve style, so I walk up, order my four thousand calorie burrito, and wait. I brace ...
spell inauguration
Inauguration. See, that wasn't so hard, but that word has been the kryptonite of facebookers, tweeters, insta-grammers, bloggers, and even--gasp, the news media *cough* FOX news *cough* on this, the day of Barack Obama's inauguration to his second term (which I claim as a victory for the U.S.A.). It seems as though a world that has come so far as to have a black president would have mastered the art of literacy and proper spelling. Alas, this is...
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