Tim L
Superbious team profiles

Tim L


One Debate, Two Candidates, and No Solutions
So a black guy and a Mormon walk onto a stage to convince everyone that they’re the best choice for President. The Mormon boasts of his magical underp...

Mitt Romney: Draft Dodger or Selfless servant of the Lord?
Ann Romney tries (again) to paint her husband as a selfless, giving individual.

The Fireworks Sound Funny in Chicago
Memorial Day weekend is a day that serves many functions. Of course, its primary purpose is to remember those brave soldiers who have lost their lives...

Does Monsanto Now Have a Vice Grip on the U.S.?
Good job, President Barrack Obama, you allowed the former attorney for Monsanto, Michael Taylor, to become commissioner of the FDA. Transparency be da...

Tim's contributions

What happens in Vegas
Las Vegas exists solely as a stereotype of itself so that you and I can afford to lose a thousand bucks on slot machines, vomit in public elevators and run naked down the streets all in a single morning.
las vegas

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